Monday, October 25, 2010

God's artistry and the human connection

There is something about the act of creating that makes me feel connected with God. Perhaps it's because this is a talent I feel He's gifted me with, or perhaps it's because He Himself is the Creator of all things...or possibly both. I feel a sense of connection, whether it be when I'm cooking, painting, jornaling, or photographing my surroundings. Part of it has to do with using what God has already created to make something new and beautiful, but there's also a connection with becoming like God, who loved us enough to think to even create humanity and the connection to Him through Christ His son.

I've been considering making gift-giving this Christmas season about art, and it hasn't been difficult to find inspiration for what projects I'd like to do. That said, I started to panic when I realized that Christmas is only two short months away! With only two projects complete so far, I have a ways yet to go!

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