This week on Shauna's blog, she wrote about the nine different Enneagrams. As I read through the categories, I discovered that I am a type four (with type five variation). This explains quite a bit about my personality and tendencies!
You can check out more detailed information on her blog link above, or by clicking on the icon below:

On the Enneagram Institute's website there are recommendations for each type that encourage personal growth. In summary, the recommendations for a four inlclude the following:
Don't rely on emotions. Hmm...dramatizations are highly possible in my world. From an unnamed source, I have been noted to have two extremes: things are either really good or really bad. I think this is mostly true, with a huge unmentioning of the inbetween (which is probably the majority of the time) that is the laid back safe zone. I could stand to remain more often in the middle-high range :) Noted!
Commit to productivity. Suddenly I'm remembering Sean's birthday artwork from two years ago that has yet to be finished and the family recipe book that took two years to complete!! This one can definitely use some work! I have a huge list of unfinished art projects to start/complete and books to read!
Elicit positive experiences. I have done this lately with food and friendships, and I'm going to keep striving for more of these.
Practice healthy self-discipline. This is especially difficult because of the motivation factor behind the productivity reccommendation above. I have high hopes for running and getting my finances in check, but there are many, many lapses!
Live life, rather than just imagining it. This is funny...and true! I have quite an imagination and can entertain myself with exaggerated humorous situations and sometimes don't notice the isolation in doing so.
I found this very enlightening!! What enneagram are you??
Ephesians 1:11 (The Message)
11-12 It's in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone.
This is true, whether we may be a one, four or nine! I can guarantee that not all twos are the same. We are each created differently with a unique purpose. I feel challenged to use who I am, what I know, and work on those things (mentioned above) that may need a bit of tweaking in order to fulfill my potential.
You are most definitely a Type 4. I am a Type 5 with many from Type 1 (noticing the misspelled word "that/than" in the second to last sentence in #5). Fun to look at how we perceive ourselves. Best to look at how God sees us in Christ. The old is gone, the new has come. We should never remain the same.
That is too funny! :) I noticed that too! She's a 7 though, not a 1. I do have parts of the peacemaker too, but I think that's more of a learned trait with being the middle child and always trying to see the good and bad in everything.
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